2017 Year in Review

2017 Year in Review By Ada Ketchie Northern Flicker is 2 years old! We spread our wings and jumped into a grand adventure of service and travel and creation and entrepreneurship and stretching our relationship. We haven’t meant to keep you all in the dark, we were just go-go-going between places and projects. So here’s […]

The Incredible, The Good, and the Difficult

By Nathan Getzin The Incredible, The Good, and the Difficult STRETCHING. GROWING. LEARNING. PACKING. UNPACKING. GIVING. RECEIVING. SEEKING. FINDING. MEETING. LEAVING. CREATING. LOVING. TRUSTING. WOW! More than filmmakers or entrepreneurs or philanthropists the Northern Flicker project has made us feel like explorers or pioneers. Not pioneers of a craft, or social innovation, but of the […]

Pura Vida – Part 2

Pura Vida – Part 2 By Ada Ketchie A new friend told us the other day that it’s a good sign if people aren’t posting blog posts too often – it means they are busy having great experiences! Now our time in Costa Rica is soon coming to an end and we have barely begun […]

Pura Vida!

Pura Vida! By Ada Ketchie CATCHING UP FROM COSTA RICA [PART 1] It’s been a busy few months since we arrived to Costa Rica. Besides soaking up the sun, lots of learning has been had and exciting opportunities have emerged. Hopefully with this post we can finally catch you up on some of the experiences […]

The Flicker Has Flown the Coop!

By Nathan Getzin The Flicker Has Flown the Coop! First off, THANK YOU! We can’t begin to express how grateful we are for our communities near and far who have graced us with love, well wishes and outrageously generous donations. We just finished the last piece of our fundraising campaign and the grand total brings […]

And we’re working! …before we’ve even left!

By Ada Ketchie And we’re working! …before we’ve even left! The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS) based in Siem Reap, Cambodia is our first official partner and we couldn’t be more thrilled. CPCS is a world class organization involved in direct intervention work in various conflict contexts throughout East Asia. Not only that […]

Euro Trip

By Nathan Getzin Euro Trip We are abroad! Our first trip outside of the country together. We are getting to test out our navigation skills, work out our walking muscles and remember how to use real paper maps again. Not having access to internet on our phones at any given moment is a pretty novel […]

Northern Flicker Launch

By Nathan Getzin Northern Flicker Launch! IT’S LIVE! We have officially launched the Northern Flicker project! Cruise around the website and let us know what you think! Chances are if you are here reading this you are a close friend or acquaintance and we’d love to hear from you. Have we been clear enough with our […]

Logo Evolution

Logo Evolution By Ada Ketchie We always knew that we wanted the Northern Flicker to represent the work we are setting out to do. If you read our previous post “What’s in a name?” you learned just how layered the symbolism and significance is for us. But the final name and logo you see on […]

What’s in a Name

What’s in a Name? By Ada Ketchie What did you think of when you first heard our name? The flicker of the film reel or the camera shutter? Considering what we do, that is quite appropriate. Maybe the mesmerizing view of the Northern Lights? Or the guiding shimmer of the North Star? Also good.  What we […]